I work to spread the use of Elixir in the Central Europe and beyond. See Elixir in real world
I am a 0 to 1 person. I work best when exploring things. I am able to deliver working products with vague instructions. I thrive on autonomy. Maybe that's why I chose Elixir as my main tech stack. You can do heavy backend lifting in it as well as real time UIs. For storing data I prefer to use PostgreSQL but I have worked with Kafka, CouchDB and Redis too. I have one failed startup in my career history.
Backend development, database design, query optimization, API integration, API creation using Elixir.
I can develop a prototype of your webapp idea. Elixir is a great choice specifically for this.
If you want to test Elixir for your use-case with your team. I can come on-site or we can connect remotely and produce a prototype in 2 days.
I organize meetups with other Elixir devs and companies in the Czech Republic. I can help your company hire talented individuals.